– Learn: Master programming fundamentals in Python, Java, C++, or JavaScript.
– Enhance: Explore advanced topics like algorithms, data structures, and frameworks.
– Apply: Build web applications, APIs, and software solutions.
– Develop: Prepare for roles like Software Developer, Full-Stack Engineer, or Technical Lead.
What Will You Learn?
- A true understanding of how JavaScript works behind the scenes
- What's new in ES6: arrow functions, classes, default and rest parameters, etc.
- Practice your new skills with coding challenges (solutions included)
- Organize and structure your code using JavaScript patterns like modules
- Get friendly and fast support in the course Q&A
- Downloadable lectures, code and design assets for all projects
Course Curriculum
JavaScript Language Basics
JavaScript in the Browser: DOM Manipulation and Events
Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions
Putting It All Together: The Budget App Project
Modern JavaScript: Using ES6, NPM, Babel and Webpack
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